Monday, July 16, 2012

Rotary Club of San Pedro South, District 3820’s Public Image Project

As its kick-off activity for the Rotary Year 2012-2013, the Rotary Club of San Pedro South, District 3820, inaugurated last July 6, 2012 a three in one project. First, it is a public image project using RI’s “Humanity in Motion” PSA, second, it serves as membership campaign strategy and lastly, it also served as a means to raise funds for the club. All of these were in the form of three weather proof  posters in a waiting shed constructed by the Club.

The left most poster shows 36 action pictures with captions of activities performed by the club including distribution of books, school supplies, slippers, raincoats and health kits to day care center children, a solar bottle lighting a room, tree planting and river cleaning, potable water supply for public school students, deep well water pump for a community, blood letting , a typhoon-affected family in a shelter box, seminar on child care for mothers and a patient provided with a wheelchair among others. Hopefully, these pictures when seen by a layman can provide the answer to the question, “What is Rotary?” In the middle poster are two “RI Humanity in Motion PSAs”, along with the Rotary’s 4-way test and an invitation for prospective members.